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ISO Rating

The Roaring Fork Fire Rescue Authority was formed in 2018 by joining the Basalt, Rural, and Snowmass Wildcat Fire Protection Districts. In July 2020, the Authority completed a Public Protection Classification (PPC) survey. Most insurers use the PPC classifications for underwriting and calculating premiums for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

The Insurance Service Office (ISO) completed its analysis of the structure fire suppression delivery system we provide. This resulted in the following classifications:

Class 3: Applies to properties within five (5) road miles or less from Roaring Fork Fire stations 41, 42, 44, and 45, with or without hydrants.

Class 9: Applies to properties five (5) road miles or less from any other Roaring Fork Fire station (43).

Class 10: Applies to properties over five (5) road miles from any Roaring Fork Fire station.